PDCs for Continuing Education

Receive CEUs/contact hours to earn or maintain your OEHS certifications via  self-paced PDCs.

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Improve your ability to recognize and address potential construction safety hazards.
Professional Development Courses, Webinars, Webinar Collections

Learn the skills required to create and implement high-quality environmental health and safety training.
Review information and best practices to improve your ability to prepare for and respond to potential emergencies.
Review the ethical behaviors OESH professionals are expected to know and follow. Explore new ethical challenges you may face as an EHS professional due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Learn to recognize laser-related hazards and identify potential controls.
Recognize the importance and process of managing hazardous waste to the RCRA standard.
Humans have used and been exposed to dangerous substances since the start of civilization. Consider the history, health impacts, restrictions on and current uses of asbestos, dioxin and lead.

Improve your ability to identify, evaluate, and understand toxicological information.